216 Smith Street, Peekskill, Westchester, NY, 10566, USA
Numero MLS
Tipo di immobile
Residenziale, Multifamiliare
Superficie di terreno
7.153 piedi quadrati (665 mq)
Prezzo di vendita per mq
0 $
Salva offerte
Recently partially renovated, the first floor of this Victorian era gem is filled with tons of wood moldings, pocket doors, hardwood floors and high ceilings. Built circa 1900 and truly a flashback to a bygone era. Currently existing as a 2.5 story duplex, C/O attached, this home would be better suited to being transformed into an artist's studio/gallery or a weekend retreat far from the bustle of NYC as it is close to the Metro North station, about a 1-hour ride to unwind on. Bring your imagination and your tired soul and hangout on the front porch or look out the back and watch time pass by at a little bit slower pace than you are used to. Better pictures coming soon !! Questions ? email me.
Descrizione dell'immobile
Anno di costruzione:
Descrizione esterni:
Tavole in vista di vinile
Caratteristiche delle proprietà:
Vialetto di accesso
legno duro
Sistema di riscaldamento:
Acqua calda , Gasolio
Descrizione del lotto:
Informazioni sugli istituti scolastici
Distretto scolastico:
Scuola elementare:
Call Listing Agent
Scuola media superiore:
Peekskill High School
Scuola media:
Peekskill Middle School

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  • Randy Smith
  • VYLLA Home
  • Tel. : 917-562-5219